Sunday, January 13, 2013


Cause and Effect
1. accordingly
2. as a result
3. consequently
4. hence
5. it follows, then
6. since
7. therefore
8. thus

1. as a result
2. consequently
3. hence
4. in conclusion
5. in short
6. in sum, then
7. it follows, then
8. therefore
9. thus

1. along the same lines
2. in the same way
3. likewise
4. similarly

1. although
2. by contrast
3. conversely
4. despite
5. even though
6. nevertheless
7. nonetheless
8. on the contrary
9. on the other hand
10. regardless
11. whereas
12. however
13. in contrast
14. while
15. yet

1. also
2. besides
3. furthermore
4. moreover
5. indeed
6. in addition

1. admittedly
2. although it is true that
3. granted
4. I concede that
5. of course

1. after all
2. as an illustration
3. consider
4. for example
5. for instance
6. specifically